One of the greatest aspects of homeschooling is that you get to pick what and how you teach (within state guidelines). While you don't have to use the same type of curriculum for every subject, many companies offer grade bundles to help you save money. (Please note that there are additional ways to finding curriculum for cheaper if you're willing to put in the work to find it). Below is a price comparison for a variety of curriculum companies and grade levels. *Please be sure to look into what the kits include since it can vary company to company.
| Abeka | BJU Press | Sonlight | Oak Meadow |
Complete Kit | $717.50 | $422.00 | $765.42 | $625.00 |
Essential Kit | $325.70 | | | |
2nd Grade:
| Abeka | BJU Press | Sonlight | Oak Meadow |
Complete Kit | $1,315.00 | $945.00 | $827.36 | $755.00 |
Essential Kit | $876.45 | | |
4th Grade:
| Abeka | BJU Press | Sonlight | Oak Meadow |
Complete Kit | $1,474.85 | $969.00 | $915.56 | $645.00 |
Essential Kit | $1,231.30 | | | |
7th Grade:
| Abeka | BJU Press | Sonlight | Oak Meadow |
Complete Kit | $1,065.15 | $950.50 | $760.22 | $875.00 |
9th Grade:
| Abeka | BJU Press | Sonlight | Oak Meadow |
Complete Kit | $1,171.55 | $950.00 | $930.29 | N/A |
What is your favorite curriculum to use? Let me know if there are any not listed above that you would like me to do a price comparison on next!